Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great Gospel Reading: Part 2

This week is Part 2 of our great gospel reading, featuring books recommended by the sisters in our Relief Society. In this post, we'll take a look at a few great books focusing on our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson (recommended twice!)
"I'm not sure if the timing was just right when I read it for my stake YW calling or if I was able to give it to some friends at the time, but the parable of the Bicycle and other aspects of the book really help teach the atonement. Easy read, but great for the testimony! Also, Following Christ is fabulous by the same author."

"I love this book because his explanation of the Atonement is so personal and meaningful. It strengthened my testimony of the Savior and his love for ME."

The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Hearts and Homes by James L. Ferrell
"I loved reading this book because it really helped me understand how we should forgive everyone and not hold grudges because Christ has already paid the price for any sin or wrong doing done to us."

Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage
"Before this year, I've never considered "Jesus the Christ" the type of book to read straight through. I've always used this book as a resource to look up topics. My two boys have been reading this book on their missions and commented in their emails what a great book it was. I decided to pick it up and start reading through it front to back also. I have loved getting this perspective of the Savior's life. I am in awe and grateful for the insight we receive in modern day about the Savior's life. It is a great complement to reading the New Testament this year."

The Hidden Christ by James L. Ferrell
"This book I read last year had the biggest impact on my study of the Old Testament. In particular, one of the last chapters told the summary of the story of the Old Testament in symbolic terms. This was amazing to read these 5-6 pages after I had just finished reading the Old Testament. The chapter told the life story of Christ and in parenthesis noted which story in the Old Testament was symbolic of that (for example, Christ is the only one that can save mankind if we are obedient (Noah)). It was the best summary that testifies of Christ and ties it all to the scriptures that I have ever seen!"

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