Saturday, April 19, 2014


The church has created a wonderful website specifically for Easter and an accompanying new Easter video of The Savior. You can find it here at
Enjoy this wonderful Easter weekend focused on our Savior.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Week

The Primary has created this wonderful week long Easter activity for the whole family. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

General Conference

The Conference talks from this April's General Conference are now posted!
Go check them out here!

You can also access the music playlist from this past Conference and listen to it as you work, travel, clean, or play with your kids!
click the link here

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Come one, Come all!

You're invited to attend this wonderful new semiannual General Women's Meeting! All women and girls eight years and older are invited to come hear the wonderful words from a member of the First Presidency and the general presidents of the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary. This meeting combines and replaces the general Relief Society and general Young Women meetings! Click here to share on your social media feeds! Note: the invitation says 6pm MDT, so for all of us watching it here on the East coast, it will be broadcast at 8pm!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Links for Relief Society Technology Night

1.  Official Church websites:

2.  Tutorials for many of the features on LDS.org

3.  Official Church mobile applications:

4.  Official Church social media outlets:

5.  Official Church publications available in electronic format:

10.  President Monson's 2009 address, May You Have Courage:

11.  Elder Ballard's 2007 address, Sharing the Gospel using the Internet:

12.  Elder Scott's 2013 address, For Peace At Home:

13.  Elder Perry's 2000 address, Thou Shalt Give Heed Unto All His Words,

14.  The Atlantic article on the Church's recent embrace of technology for missionary work:

15.  The (unofficial but wonderful) LDS apologetics site:

Monday, January 27, 2014


Also, don't forget to check out the link on the right side of the blog for the latest, or past, Relief Society handouts!

In addition, if you have any you would like to be included that were discussed at our meetings, send them to

Parenting and Teaching helps

Susan Hardy found a great site especially useful for parents, grandparents, and teachers. Thank you Susan. Some of you may be familiar with Richard and Linda Eyre, popular speakers and authors on many parenting and family topics.

The Eyres have written many parenting books over the years.  They are giving them away at the following site just to help parents to become better parents.  You can read all of them free online.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Divine Purpose

Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom 
for such a time as this? 

Our Relief Society theme for this year is referenced from Esther 4:14 ; Mordecai's question to Queen Esther as she is preparing to go in unto the King. Just like Esther, we all have a purpose, a divine purpose here on this Earth. With this, I hope we can discover tools we can use to help us in realizing our divine potential.

The first tool I'd like to highlight is Helping in the Church. Sometimes we may feel there aren't many ways in our current situations, whether it be time constraints or self confidence constraints, that we can help further the Lord's work on the earth. As I was reading a past blog entry (thank you Susannah), I discovered an site I didn't know existed! I bet there are a lot of them I don't know about!
Introduce, Helping in the Vineyard website. Here's how it works

As Susannah noted, some of these projects are broken down into 5 minute increments. So gear up and try something new and maybe discover something new inside yourself.
Click here,  Helping in the Vineyard to get started. And we would love to hear about some of these projects you have helped with! Post a comment!