Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cherishing the Spirit of Christmas by Susannah MacKay

It’s hard to believe but Christmas is only 1 day away. Where does the time go? If you’re anything like me, it goes so quickly, with so very much to do.

As I reflect on Christmases past, there are many that stand out with sweet memories and special moments. But there are also many that were notable only for the exhaustion and depletion I felt. We’ve all had that Christmas night where we collapse and wonder to ourselves, “Was it really all worth it?”

If you’re like me, the answer is probably not! We need to decide what IS actually worth it and focus on those things. In short, we must “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better” (D&C 25:10). That doesn’t mean you can’t watch your favorite Christmas movie or go shopping with the masses, but it does mean we should be doing things for the right reasons: because they fill our lamps and bring us closer to Him whose birth we celebrate. To quote Elder Dallin H. Oaks:

“As we consider various choices, we should remember that it is not enough that something is good. Other choices are better, and still others are best. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all.”
-Elder Oak, General Conference, 2007

How can we make sure that this year, for this Christmas, our experience is fulfilling, uplifting, and meaningful? If we want our Christmas to be different, we have to actually do something different. That does not mean doing more, rather it means choosing to do what we already know invites the Spirit. We can better incorporate things like prayer, scripture, music, and service into our celebration on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

Think about your family traditions and be creative. Some ideas:
n  Say a prayer on Christmas morning before you dive into the presents.
n  Read Luke 2 on Christmas Eve.
n  Even if you think you can’t sing or play, SING and PLAY! Bring the songs of Christmas into your celebrations as well.
n  Find a way to serve someone else – invite them to Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner. Make a secret Santa drop. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a long while that might appreciate your love.

I know how much these things can help keep the focus on our Savior. You don’t have to do it all, but choose just ONE WAY you can make a change for the better… then try it out! Actually do it! You’ll be surprised what a difference it makes.

On top of the busyness and frenzy of the Christmas season, many also struggle with loneliness, disappointment, or depression. I know this personally and deeply – both from observation and my own experience. And it is all the more challenging when you sense that this should be the season of joy and hope, but it’s just not happening for you. In these moments (or hours!), I know that the Savior is near to us in this, His season:

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20)

Our Savior loves us, He wants to bless us. Let’s open the door to Him and invite Him in. As we run the marathon of the Christmas season, let’s move the finish line a few days earlier. And when Christmas Eve comes… even if we don’t get all the cookies baked or all the Christmas cards mailed…. may we set those things aside for things that are better. Time with family, for sharing love with one another, for celebrating and coming to know the life of our Lord. He stands ready to enter, we need only invite Him in. I pray that we will be inspired this Christmas to find some small way to make that happen, and I know we will all be blessed for our efforts. Merry Christmas!

D&C 88:63
Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

“Many have told… of when the Christ child is born to rescue and lead us home. Of the inspired accounts, the ones we treasure most help us feel again the tender love and care of the Father, and of His Beloved Son, for all of us, and especially for the least of us. That is one of the reasons we love Luke’s story of the birth of Jesus. Each time we hear it we can feel again the love of our Father for us and for all His children. Each detail of the story makes real for us the message of love.”
-       President Henry B. Eyring

“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
-        President J. Reuben Clark, 1936

Meeting Together
D&C 6:32
Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as atouching bone thing, behold, there will I be in the cmidst of them—even so am I in the dmidst of you.

Serving Others
“True happiness comes only by making others happy. The [spirit of] Christmas makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service. It is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
-      President David O. McKay

Sometimes it seems that our efforts to have a perfect Christmas season are like a game of Jenga—you know, the one played with small wooden blocks that are precariously stacked up to a tower. As we try to increase the height of the tower, we pull out one wooden block before we can place it on top of the delicate structure.
Each of those little wooden blocks is a symbol of the perfect Christmas events we so desperately want to have. We have in our minds a picture of how everything should be—the perfect tree, the perfect lights, the perfect gifts, and the perfect family events. We might even want to re-create some magical moment we remember from Christmases past, and nothing short of perfection will do.
Sooner or later, something unpleasant occurs—the wooden blocks tumble, the drapes catch fire, the turkey burns, the sweater is the wrong size, the toys are missing batteries, the children quarrel, the pressure rises—and the picture-perfect Christmas we had imagined, the magic we had intended to create, shatters around us. As a result, the Christmas season is often a time of stress, anxiety, frustration, and perhaps even disappointment.
But then, if we are only willing to open our hearts and minds to the spirit of Christmas, we will recognize wonderful things happening around us that will direct or redirect our attention to the sublime. It is usually something small—we read a verse of scripture; we hear a sacred carol and really listen, perhaps for the first time, to its words; or we witness a sincere expression of love. In one way or another, the Spirit touches our hearts, and we see that Christmas, in its essence, is much more sturdy and enduring than the many minor things of life we too often use to adorn it.

~ President Dieter F. Uchtdorf ~

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Planning and Preparing for a Christ-Centered Christmas by Liza Cheek

Do you really want a Christ-Centered Christmas?  
First step is to actually have this as your goal!  If it’s not going to be Christ-centered, then what is it?
·      Stressful?
·      Centered on gifts to get or gifts to buy?
·      Is it a contest to see who can out-do their neighbor in hanging up the most lights?
·      Is it a head-ache of family contention and battles on whose house we go to this year?
·      Is it a long list of things you think must get done, like the perfect Christmas family photo (with everyone dressed in their new, matching outfits you bought just for the occasion), going to all the ward/work/school parties (while also avoiding all the sugar that you know is going to stick like glue to your thighs!), decorating the house, sending Christmas cards to everyone you’ve ever said hello to, planning a perfect Christmas dinner for the family that’s coming to your house this year, cleaning the house top to bottom for the visiting family, figuring out where everyone is going to sleep, making sure everyone is happy and getting along and feeling that glow of joy that is the Christmas season.

*So I think we can assume that no one enjoys all the stress that can creep into our Christmas plans.  That’s why I asked, “Is it really your goal?”  If it is, then are there things you have control over that detract from this goal?  I would suggest making a list of offenders.  If you can just eliminate them, great!  If not, can you alter them so they create less stress and invite the Spirit more? 

What is a Christ-Centered Christmas?  Make a list, find pictures, what are the qualities, feelings, what does it look like?
*Now that you have the goal to have a Christ-centered Christmas, your first task is to prepare YOURSELF.  You can’t spread Christmas cheer if you are a mess of stress and anxiety!

How do we become Christ-centered so we can experience a Christ-centered Christmas (or life!)?
·     Focus your prayers on thanksgiving (funny how that holiday precedes Christmas!) and seek guidance on how you can be an instrument in the Lords hands this season.
·      Attend the temple.  Better yet, bring a friend with you!
·      Focus your daily scripture study on Savior
·      Limit your additional holiday activities to those that are most meaningful.
·      Play Christmas music (fill your mind with Christ-centered material!)
·      Watch the Christmas Devotional, read the December Ensign or a video about the Savior
·      Do what you can to fill yourself with the love of Christ

Now that you are filled with the Spirit of Christmas, how can you spread that feeling to those around you?
v At home and beyond: 
 ;plan FHE around the Savior
 Ã˜ Visuals:  pictures of the Savior on the mantle?  Nativity?
 Ã˜ Incorporate service into your fun family activities.  Ideas?
 Ã˜ Invite friends to join you in your FHE/family fun/caroling, esp. those who are alone at Christmas!  Be inclusive!
 Ã˜ Basket with missionary items to give away, challenge the family to invite someone to a church activity (people are lonely!  Church is a great way to feel loved!)
 Ã˜ Reduce the stress of planning by creating Christ-centered traditions that you repeat every year and can look forward to
 Ã˜ If you are crafty, Pinterest has tons of ideas, so don’t reinvent the wheel!  Steal someone else’s ideas!  There are many things you can do to be creative with your family and give thoughtful gifts that don’t have to break the bank.

 Ã˜ Encourage all family members to take part in the making/buying/giving of gifts, even small children!  (Mom is NOT Santa Claus!!!)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Preparing for a Christ-Centered Christmas

We had the opportunity in November to hear from wonderful Relief Society sisters with thoughts and ideas on how to have a Christ-Centered Christmas. I'm going to spotlight them and their ideas on our next couple of blog entries as we get ready for this wonderful time of year.

Our first entry comes from Wendy Gagnon:

David O. Mckay: “No worry or anxiety over the choosing and giving of gifts; no enjoyment of holiday feasts; no decorations however modern or attractive; no social parties however jovial, should ever overshadow the fact that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who came to give life, light, and peace to all mankind, and who marked the way by which these eternal blessings may be obtained. Let us ever remember that ". . . God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16.)

Christ Centered FHE/Activity Ideas:


Symbols of Christmas

Go Fish Nativity Game

Options for any ages:

The BIG picture of Christmas:

Christmas Devotional Book

Christmas Symbol Lesson TEACH THE CHILDERN, flannel board pieces, a manger scene shadow box

Read THE LIFE OF OUR LORD by Charles Dickens

Advent Calendar of service or activities

Christmas story party 

* Money for Others
give each person in the family a small sum to be used to bless the life of someone else when they find him/her in need.  Rules:  can't spend it on someone we know or on ourselves.  Follow the Spirit in knowing who to share it with.  . . . One year one person tucked the cash in the shoe of a homeless person as he slept  (his shoes were by his box).  Another gave it to a man pleading for change.  Another sent it to the church's missionary fund.  One paid for the groceries of someone in line who didn't have enough cash for her needs.  The goal is to get each of us to really notice others and become aware of other's needs and where we can be of some small assistance.

* Gifts for Others
    Offer gifts to various charities in the “receiver’s name “and let them friends/family know where the $ went.

* The Good Deeds Manger
    For each good deed someone does quietly, secretly, to those in the family and outside the family throughout December, a piece of "straw" (we use raffia) is added to the manger.  The idea is to show love to others as Christ would with the goal then being to make the manger soft and full of sweet good deed straw to welcome Him as at His birth.   Get the manger out at the first of Dec. and check how the fullness is progressing at each FHE through the month.  Perhaps on  Christmas Eve, you can evaluate the offerings and share a special experience from doing those good deeds and thus preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth and life.

Alma 37:6
 Now ye may suppose that this is a foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.