Saturday, May 28, 2011

Great Gospel Reading: A Grand Finale!

I love alliteration! Three G's in one title. Not bad!

This week is our final week of great gospel reads -- recommendations from our fellow sisters in the Relief Society. This week we feature a range of topics. I'm sure there's at least one (or more) you haven't read, so check them out. Enjoy!

When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered by S. Michael Wilcox
"This book focuses on how Christ is there for us, watches over and blesses us, but is not quick to save us from the experiences we need. It has many examples from the scriptures and a few of the author's own experiences. It is not a deep dive into doctrine, but a comforting, and uplifting reminder of His love and plan. It helps refocus an eternal perspective in difficult times and rekindle hope."

The Holy Temple by Boyd K. Packer
"A concise, clear explanation of temples and why temple work sets our religion apart from other churches. I think it is especially meaningful for those who have already attended the temple and want to increase their understanding and appreciation for the work we do there."

The First 2000 Years by W. Cleon Skousen
"This book was really captivating to me. It offers intelligent and in-depth explanations of the Bible from Adam to 2000 years after. It talks about things like why Adam was given charge to rule over Eve, why we can trust Moses' account of Genesis, and how many people were probably on the earth at the time of Noah. Anyway, this book was so interesting to read. It was like going to a really good gospel doctrine class every time you read it. It really exercised my brain in an exciting way to think about all those things."

The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
"Although these are probably not nonfiction, I would not classify them as fiction either. CS Lewis was a very insightful and inspired author who teaches truths in a very clear way. Although he was not LDS, his writing is thought provoking and helps me to reflect on my own beliefs and ideas about gospel related issues. He also helps me to question my beliefs about different issues which then strengthens my testimony."

Yearning for the Living God Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche, Edited and Compiled by Tracie A. Lamb
"A book like this that has such great insight should be read over and over.  Sometimes the meaning will change as we go through the different stages of our lives."

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