Saturday, May 28, 2011

Great Gospel Reading: A Grand Finale!

I love alliteration! Three G's in one title. Not bad!

This week is our final week of great gospel reads -- recommendations from our fellow sisters in the Relief Society. This week we feature a range of topics. I'm sure there's at least one (or more) you haven't read, so check them out. Enjoy!

When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered by S. Michael Wilcox
"This book focuses on how Christ is there for us, watches over and blesses us, but is not quick to save us from the experiences we need. It has many examples from the scriptures and a few of the author's own experiences. It is not a deep dive into doctrine, but a comforting, and uplifting reminder of His love and plan. It helps refocus an eternal perspective in difficult times and rekindle hope."

The Holy Temple by Boyd K. Packer
"A concise, clear explanation of temples and why temple work sets our religion apart from other churches. I think it is especially meaningful for those who have already attended the temple and want to increase their understanding and appreciation for the work we do there."

The First 2000 Years by W. Cleon Skousen
"This book was really captivating to me. It offers intelligent and in-depth explanations of the Bible from Adam to 2000 years after. It talks about things like why Adam was given charge to rule over Eve, why we can trust Moses' account of Genesis, and how many people were probably on the earth at the time of Noah. Anyway, this book was so interesting to read. It was like going to a really good gospel doctrine class every time you read it. It really exercised my brain in an exciting way to think about all those things."

The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
"Although these are probably not nonfiction, I would not classify them as fiction either. CS Lewis was a very insightful and inspired author who teaches truths in a very clear way. Although he was not LDS, his writing is thought provoking and helps me to reflect on my own beliefs and ideas about gospel related issues. He also helps me to question my beliefs about different issues which then strengthens my testimony."

Yearning for the Living God Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche, Edited and Compiled by Tracie A. Lamb
"A book like this that has such great insight should be read over and over.  Sometimes the meaning will change as we go through the different stages of our lives."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Great Gospel Reading: Latter-day Prophets

This week we feature another great list of recommended books from the sisters in our Relief Society. These follow a theme on our latter-day prophets, some books written by them, others written about them. Enjoy!


The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball
“I can't ever learn enough about the Atonement.  Forgiveness is one of those principles I associate with big sins, but this book is a reminder to me that I must repent every day.  It helps me to recognize my weaknesses without damaging my self-esteem or making me feel overwhelmed with my imperfections.  On the contrary, it makes very real the gift of eternal life through repentance and the Atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ.”

Way To Be and Standing For Something by President Hinckley
“I love these books because both of them show how simple it really is to live the gospel and to be happy.  Many times I get sooooo busy with what life throws at us, with kids, church, school, etc… that I need to simply be reminded that I just need to “Be” a faithful daughter of my Heavenly Father and I can do whatever is asked of me.”


Go Forward with Faith: The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley by Sheri L. Dew  
“The way in which Sheri Dew shares the life of the prophet is less factual and more inspiring.  She shares his development in a way that inspires me to try to be a better person and to live my life more like the Savior.”

To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson by Heidi S. Swinton
“Heidi Swinton shares the life of the prophet in a way that helps you know him better and understand who he is.  I felt more of a connection to the prophet after reading this biography than I did beforehand.  His life story inspires me to want to reach out to the individual more in the way that the Savior teaches us to.”

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great Gospel Reading: Part 2

This week is Part 2 of our great gospel reading, featuring books recommended by the sisters in our Relief Society. In this post, we'll take a look at a few great books focusing on our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson (recommended twice!)
"I'm not sure if the timing was just right when I read it for my stake YW calling or if I was able to give it to some friends at the time, but the parable of the Bicycle and other aspects of the book really help teach the atonement. Easy read, but great for the testimony! Also, Following Christ is fabulous by the same author."

"I love this book because his explanation of the Atonement is so personal and meaningful. It strengthened my testimony of the Savior and his love for ME."

The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Hearts and Homes by James L. Ferrell
"I loved reading this book because it really helped me understand how we should forgive everyone and not hold grudges because Christ has already paid the price for any sin or wrong doing done to us."

Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage
"Before this year, I've never considered "Jesus the Christ" the type of book to read straight through. I've always used this book as a resource to look up topics. My two boys have been reading this book on their missions and commented in their emails what a great book it was. I decided to pick it up and start reading through it front to back also. I have loved getting this perspective of the Savior's life. I am in awe and grateful for the insight we receive in modern day about the Savior's life. It is a great complement to reading the New Testament this year."

The Hidden Christ by James L. Ferrell
"This book I read last year had the biggest impact on my study of the Old Testament. In particular, one of the last chapters told the summary of the story of the Old Testament in symbolic terms. This was amazing to read these 5-6 pages after I had just finished reading the Old Testament. The chapter told the life story of Christ and in parenthesis noted which story in the Old Testament was symbolic of that (for example, Christ is the only one that can save mankind if we are obedient (Noah)). It was the best summary that testifies of Christ and ties it all to the scriptures that I have ever seen!"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In Honor of All Women

What an amazing few weeks it's been! From Easter to the Atlanta Temple Rededication, I think we've all had an opportunity to strengthen our testimonies -- and our gospel literacy! Now, as we round out these last few weeks of our gospel literacy focus area, it's my hope we can each share a little bit of that with each other.

To do that, I've been in touch with many of you and have been collecting your recommendations for resources that have helped you learn or improve your gospel literacy. Now I'm putting them together to create a ready-reference for all of us! (If I haven't contacted you yet, please feel free to write me with your recommendation at!)

To start us off, and in honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to devote this week's post to women. I've known many women who find Mother's Day can be one of the hardest days of the year: they hear the virtues of seemingly perfect mothers/women being extolled and are crushed with the fear that they don't  measure up. Today and always, I hope you remember how much the Lord loves each of us. No matter what our walk of life, background, experience, or otherwise, we each have something special to give to those around us. That means YOU -- and don't forget it! Several years ago, there was a talk by Sheri Dew that I loved called Are We Not all Mothers?. This talk changed how I viewed my own womanhood and motherhood, and subsequently how I served in various callings dealing with mothers and children. I invite you to read it whether you are a mother or not! (At the time the talk was given, I was not.) Another favorite talk of mine was from Elder Ballard, entitled Daughters of God. Also a wonderful talk for putting things in perspective. Enjoy!

And now... your recommendations! Several of the favorites that were sent to me dealt specifically with womanhood, women in the scriptures, and mothers. Here are the references along with the comments from the submitters:

No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew

Uplifting anecdotes and powerful words from an amazing and positive sister in the gospel. This book really helped me feel better about who I was and where I was going during a difficult time in my life.

I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson

This book AND title says it all! This book is such a sweet reminder of our privileged and honored role and title of "Mother". Jane boldly states what is most important in being a mother and that is time with our children. After all, time is so fleeting and our children will be grown and gone in a blink of an eye. I love this book not only because of the content but because I am doing exactly what I have wanted to do my entire life....I AM A MOTHER....and I love every second of it!

Daughters of God: Scriptural Portraits by S. Michael Wilcox

Drawing from the Old and New Testaments, as well as latter-day scripture, Wilcox retells the stories of Heavenly Father's well known and mostly forgotten daughters. I truly enjoyed this book because it speaks to all women in a variety of stages of life. Instead of focusing on basic dichotomies of being a mother or childless, widow or newlywed (though these topics are covered), Wilcox goes deeper in creating short and easy to read studies in how scriptural women have dealt with all life has thrown at them, including gaining and losing faith, sacrificing and experiencing joy, and the actual search for meaning in a world (whether it be 2000 years ago or the present) which never wants women to feel as though we are of value. Wilcox's triumph is in ultimately reminding us that regardless of where we find ourselves on the road to salvation Heavenly Father knows us, even when everyone else forgets, loves us and will always fight for us to make righteous choices and relationships.

Women of the Old Testament by Camille Fronk Olson

I have absolutely loved reading this book! Each chapter included historical facts about an Old Testament woman as well as her dealings with the Lord. I learned so much that I didn’t know! I especially liked the emphasis on spiritual experiences and how each woman met the spiritual challenges that were placed before her. Through reading about their lives, I got to “see” their testimonies grow and felt closer to these women. I realized that it doesn’t matter when we come to earth, every woman has to face tests and overcome these tests by relying on the Lord. This was a very testimony-building book!
And a few others:
The Mother in Me edited by Kathryn Lynard Soper
I'm a Day Late and a Dollar Short... and It's Okay! by JoAnn Larsen
Being the Mom: 10 Coping Strategies I Learned by Accident Because I Had Children on Purpose by Emily Watts
You Can Never Get Enough of What You Don't Need by Mary Ellen Edmunds
The Potentially Sane Mother's Guide by Tamara A. Fackrell

Check them out! And happy Mother's Day!

Editor's Note: While vetted for content, please note that these recommendations are just that -- personal recommendations. Please remember your judgment and discretion are still required! :)