Of course, there are two great principles that help right off the bat:
- Don't forget to start with prayer!
- Instead of reading a set amount, read for a set length of time. And did you know that it actually helps your brain learn better if you do it in the same place and at the same time each day?
NOW here are some ways to help you keep your scripture study a wonderful time of feasting and inspiration:
- Read with just one specific topic or question in mind. I've been doing this more lately. I color every verse that helps me better understand my topic of choice. My current topic is motherhood, and I have been astounded at how many more passages I have found than I would have expected! All by looking specifically and not just wandering through.
- Insert your name into the verses.
- Start in the index. Choose a topic and read and study all the passages listed for that topic. Don't forget the cross-references!
- Have a related but different reading every day. Ex: Study that week's Sunday School or Relief Society lesson one day, Study a related General Conference talk another (use the Citation Index we mentioned two weeks ago!), Find and study the scriptural cross-references on Day 3, etc.
- Blitz it! Read one of the volumes of scripture faster than normal, more like a book, and pay attention to overarching patterns.
- Read and memorize. Did you ever memorize the seminary scripture mastery verses? (Or have you forgotten them? :) Get the list of the verses and study and memorize those one by one.
- Study your patriarchal blessing. Are there certains words or ideas that stand out to you? Use those principles and the reference guides to learn and study more specifically about them.
- Start with music! Do you have favorite hymns? Look them up and start with the hymns listed at the end of the music. Follow a scripture chain of cross-references and you may be surprised by what you learn!
- Try reading aloud.
- Start in the middle. We often get bogged down by starting at the beginning every time. Try starting in the middle!
- Keep a journal next to you. Write ideas or impressions down as you read. Not only will this help you stay engaged, it will help you remember those impressions better too!
A Discussion on Scripture Study by President (then Elder) Henry B. Eyring (July 2005)
Because We Have Them Before Our Eyes by Elder Bednar (April 2006)
My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures by Sister Julie B. Beck (April 2004)
Scripture Stories as Patterns for Our Lives by Elder Jay E. Jensen (July 2009)
Getting the Most Out of Your Scripture Study by David B. Marsh (February 2009)
Questions and Answers (Ensign, 1992)
Now, what are some techniques that have helped you? Please feel free to leave a post and share your ideas!
Happy studying!